My Projects
Satisfactory Mods
Factory Props
Factory Props repurposes assets from the game as decorative buildings.
Remove All Annoyances
Remove All Annoyances removes annoying creatures and objects from the world.
SatisWHACKtory adds some fun obstacles to the game to cause chaos in multiplayer sessions.
Satisfactory Discord Rich Presence
This mod lets others see what you're doing in Satisfactory on your Discord profile.
More Players
This mod allows you to have more players in multiplayer sessions than the default limit of 4.
SpaceGameDev Mod Update Notifier
This mod will notify the player in-game when a new version of a mod is available.
Other Software
Charles is a command line app I'm working on to learn the fundamentals of Go (golang).
It's purpose is to automate various tasks with one simple command.
Go Clean Your Computer
GoCleanYourComputer is a GUI app I created in C# to access and execute Windows maintenance tasks easily.